The Bible clearly shows us that Christ is everything for God’s building. First of all, Christ is the One who builds His church, His Body, as the building of God (Matt. 16:18). Christ is the foundation stone, the only foundation laid by God for His building – He upholds and supports the entire building of […]
Enjoying Christ as the Topstone of Grace for the Completion of God’s Building
We Need Certain Crucial Experiences of Christ for the Building of the Church

In order for God to have a built-up church as His temple where He can dwell with man on earth, His people need to experience the all-inclusive Christ as their everything. We need to have certain crucial experiences of Christ, as revealed in the New Testament, so that the church as the temple of God […]
seeing the importance of Christ as the stone in many aspects for God’s building

This week we come to a very solid and high topic in the Psalms and in the whole Bible – Christ as the Cornerstone for God’s building (see Psalm 118). Many believers praise Christ as the Lamb of God, being filled with appreciation for what Christ has done for us on the cross for our […]
We do not have to be in haste because we have Christ as a tested stone to be our foundation!

Hallelujah, Christ has been set by God as a foundation stone, a tested stone, for the house of God! This morning we were enjoying the verse in Isaiah 28:16 which says, … Indeed I lay a stone in Zion as a foundation, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone as a foundation firmly established; he who […]
Christ is the stone, He is our salvation, and we who come to Him are made living stones!
Isaiah 28:16 says Therefore thus says the Lord Jehovah: Indeed I lay a stone in Zion as a foundation, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone as a foundation firmly established; He who believes will not hasten away. and in 1 Pet 2:6, 7 we read For it is contained in scripture “Behold, I lay in […]