Praise the Lord, we can come to Christ as our Stone-Savior to be transformed from clay-men into living stones by this stone-man, so that we may be built up into the church as the building of God! The good land is a land of stones, iron, mountains, and copper; these are for God’s building and […]
Our Stone-Savior Transforms us from Clay-men into Living Stones for God’s Building
We are Being Transformed and Built up as Living Stones in God’s Spiritual House

As believers in Christ, we are becoming living stones for the building up of the church, God’s spiritual house on earth today. Christ as the stone-Savior produces living stones for God’s building. We are men of clay; we are born of our parents in the flesh, and we are of dust, men of clay. How […]
Preaching the Gospel of Christ as the Stone-Savior for the Church as God’s Building

In Acts 4:10-12 Peter proclaimed Christ as the Stone-Savior; we need to preach the gospel of Christ as the Stone-Savior for God’s building. Our commission is not just to preach the gospel of grace for people to be saved and go to heaven…. Rather, as we see Peter doing, we need to know, enjoy, and […]
Praising Christ as the Cornerstone – He’s our Savior and the Builder of God’s House

As the all-inclusive stone, Christ is the centrality of God’s move for the building up of His eternal habitation; Christ as the cornerstone is both our Savior and the Builder of God’s house. When the Lord Jesus was speaking concerning Himself and His authority, He said that He is the stone which the builders rejected […]
Enjoying and Experiencing Christ as the Lamb-Stone-Savior with Seven Eyes
![Zech. 3:9 For here is the stone that I have set before Joshua—upon one stone are seven eyes. I will engrave its engraving, declares Jehovah of hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day. [NASB version in the picture]](
In Zech. 3:9 we see that Christ is the stone with seven eyes, engraved by God, for God’s building (the temple of God). The stone which was set before Joshua is not merely a type of Zerubabel (the leader of the Jews then) but a type of Christ, the stone for God’s building. In the […]
as the cornerstone, Christ is the Savior and the building factor for God’s building

As we study the matter of Christ being the cornerstone more in depth we realize that everything that Christ has done on earth is so that He would become the cornerstone chosen and precious to God. God became a man, lived a perfect human life, died an all-inclusive death on the cross, resurrected from the […]
Christ as the Stone-Savior is also the cornerstone to join us and build us up together in God’s building
The stone that the builders rejected – Christ – has become the head of the corner (Psa. 118:22): Christ as the stone rejected and despised by the Jewish builders/people has become the cornerstone to join together the Jews and the Gentiles into one Body, the Body of Christ! Actually, the “head of the corner” can […]