When Christ died as a man in the flesh on the cross, God condemned sin in the flesh (Rom. 8:3). I’m so full of appreciation and love for the Lord who didn’t give up on us, fallen sinful men. Even though Satan injected his evil nature into us and right now all human beings are […]
Christ Came in the Likeness of the Flesh of Sin and God Condemned Sin in the Flesh
God desires to gain a God-man, a Man Mingled with God, to Express and Represent Him

The whole Bible and the book of Ezekiel in particular reveals that God’s central thought and arrangement are related to man, for God needs man – He wants to gain a God-man – for His corporate expression and representation. From the very beginning in the book of Genesis God created man according to His image […]
How Christ as the Son of Man Cherishes us and as the Son of God He Nourishes Us

As believers in Christ, we need to follow the pattern of the Lord Jesus who as the Son of Man cherishes us and as the Son of God nourishes us; we need to experience and present Christ as the attracting factor to minister life to people and gain them in a normal way. After we […]
Christ as the Son of Man is the High Priest Cherishing the Churches in His Humanity

The glorious Christ that the Apostle John saw in Revelation 1 is different from the Christ he walked with and was with while on earth. This One was “the Son of Man”, and He was clothed with a garment reaching to the feet, and girded about at the breasts with a golden girdle (Rev. 1:13). […]
The Man Jesus is on the Throne Over All Universe: the Ruler Over All Things is a Man!

The truth that Satan hates and does all kinds of things to prevent from being spoken and known is, Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, is Lord of all the universe! Jesus Christ is God, and now there is a Man on the throne in the heavens, ruling over all! Many believers know that God […]
Even in our Lowest Condition Christ is with us to Recover us for His Building

In the book of Zechariah we see that Christ is everything to us for the recovery of the building of God’s house, the temple of God. To understand the things spoken of by Haggai the prophet is not that difficult – his message was pretty much straightforward, encouraging and warning God’s people to continue to […]
the all-inclusive Christ in Matthew: Christ is the Son of Man, the Baptizer, and the light of life!
What an all-inclusive Christ we have! In every book of the Bible, in every chapter, and even in every verse you can see Christ – He is all-inclusive! This morning we enjoyed three more aspects of Christ in the gospel of Matthew – Christ as the Son of Man, Christ as the Baptizer, and Christ […]