The book of Zechariah reveals that the crucial point and major content of God’s move in man’s history are the two comings of Christ for the testimony of Jesus, the building of God; Zech. 9-11 speaks of Christ’s lowly first coming, which was both humble and intimate. As we are studying the books of […]
Christ’s Lowly First Coming was Humble and Intimate, full of Love, for our Redemption
Taking the Shepherding Way and Humbling Ourselves to Serve the Saints and Visit them

We all need to learn to take the shepherding way to preach the gospel and revive the church, being willing to be the slaves of the saints by being one with the Lord who is the Shepherd in our spirit. Our Lord Jesus is the great Shepherd. He came as the good Shepherd to lay […]
The All-Inclusive Christ is Everything to Us for the Building of the Church

In the first part of Zechariah (the first eight chapters) we see eight visions with many aspects of Christ related to the recovery of God’s building. In the second part of Zechariah (the last six chapters), there are some prophecies concerning Christ in the future, after the recovery of the temple. In Zechariah we see […]
Christ and David are one, and He is coming back to restore His kingdom!

This week we are getting into a very good topic in the Bible, especially as we see it crystallized in the Minor Prophets, Christ Coming Back as the Real David to Restore His Kingdom. The Minor Prophets mainly speak about three things: God’s loving chastisement of His elect (the people of Israel), God’s judgement upon the nations […]
the five stages of the pneumatic Christ’s shepherding (sharing from the Crystallization Study of Psalms)
We recently went through the video training on the Crystallization Study of the Psalms, and one of the topics I enjoyed the most so far is message 6 – The Organic Shepherding of the Pneumatic Christ as revealed in Psalm 23. Perhaps Psalms 23 is one of the most popular chapters in the whole Bible. […]
we need to see and cooperate with the pneumatic Christ’s shepherding as revealed in Psalm 23
Praise the Lord for Psalm 23 with the proper interpretation and the high view of Christ in His ascension as the organic Shepherd! I really enjoyed in the recent Crystallization Study of the Psalms(1), in message 6 entitled, The Organic Shepherding of the Pneumatic Christ, the fact that the pneumatic Christ is the Shepherd, He […]
Christ is the Physician and the Bridegroom, the unfulled cloth, the new wine, and the Shepherd!
Every day as we read the Bible we discover more aspects of Christ – all the positive things in the universe point to Him as the reality. What we see and even what we are – and it is positive – is just a shadow; Christ is the reality. I never thought that the gospel […]