God is the supreme authority, and He has all authority; Christ as the Son of Man was given all authority in heaven and on earth after His resurrection and ascension, and now a Man is the Ruler over all things in the universe and the Lord of all. Hallelujah! This week in our morning revival […]
God is the Supreme Authority and Christ as a Man was made the Head and Lord of All
We need to Know and Experience Christ as the Center of the Divine Administration

In order for us to bear the ultimate responsibility in God’s move to match God in His ultimate recover, we need to know and experience Christ as the center of the divine administration according to God’s eternal economy. In His mercy, the Lord has revealed to us that He has an ultimate move, which is […]
The Lord Jesus was Brought to the Throne: a Man is on the Throne as the Lord of All!

God is on the throne, and He rules over all things; however, through His crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, the Lord Jesus was brought to the throne, and now we are in the process of being brought to the throne! Hallelujah! This is God’s intention from the very beginning: God created man in His image and […]
Seeing a Vision of the Throne of God for His Administration throughout the Universe

As believers in Christ, we are living creatures who are learning to maintain a clear sky between us and the Lord, and above this clear sky there’s a throne – we need to see a vision of the throne of God for the divine administration throughout the universe. As we are learning to coordinate with […]
The Heavens Rule – The Most High is the Ruler over All the Kingdom of Men!

These coming weeks we are getting into a crystallization-study of the books of Daniel and Zechariah, and this week particularly we will focus on an amazing topic, The Rule of the Heavens, the Economy of God, and the Excellent Christ as the Precious and Preeminent One in God’s Move. Wow! I am prepared to be […]
Christ is coming to rule over the earth not mainly by judging or condemning but by watering!
May the Lord have mercy on us and give us His heart for man that we may see that the way He wants to gain man, recover man, and rule over man is not by judging or condemning but by watering man! Where the flow of living water is, there is the dominion of the Lord Jesus! People are happy when they drink the living water, and they are happy in the Lord’s kingdom!
Crystallization Study of Psalms(1) – God’s system of grace and God’s system of government(message 2)
The second message from the Crystallization Study of the Psalms(1) is entitled the Revelation concerning Christ in God’s economy – and I was very much impressed with the two systems of God. There are two systems of God in the universe – two ways God relates to man and to His creation – which are […]