Christ is the desire of God’s heart, for God desires that every person and thing in the universe would express Christ; we exist for the expression of Christ, and Christ is the reality of every positive thing in the universe. Hallelujah! This week we start a new Holy Word for Morning Revival inspired from […]
Christ is the Desire of God’s Heart – we are here for the Expression of Christ!
Enjoying Christ day by day as the Reality of all our Necessities in our Spirit

Our all-inclusive Christ is the reality of everything positive in the universe; we need to enjoy Christ day by day as the reality of all our necessities, for Christ is our breath, our drink, our food, our light, our clothing, and our dwelling place. Everything we need, He is. The gospel of John shows us […]
Enjoying the All-inclusive, Extensive Christ as the Reality of All Positive Things

According to the book of Colossians, the all-inclusive, extensive Christ is the reality of all positive things, and no one should judge us of eating Him and enjoy Him as such a One. Hallelujah! This week in our morning revival we come to the matter of, Knowing and Experiencing the All-inclusive, Extensive Christ as the […]
Having the Divine Reality Wrought into us to Become our Reality, Life, and Living

The church life is nothing else but Christ Himself being enjoyed, realized, experienced, and expressed through the believers in Christ for God’s corporate expression. In order for the church life to be such a place, we need to have our soul subdued and saturated with Christ as the life-giving Spirit. If we all live in our […]
Enjoying Christ as the Reality of All our Necessities by Exercising our Spirit

All the genuine believers in Christ are Christ-men, Christ-ians, those who have received Christ into them as their life inwardly and who enjoy Christ in their everyday life. The Bible tells us again and again that Christ is everything to us, and specifically that Christ is the reality of all our necessities. We need food […]
Seeing a Clear Vision of the Living Person of Christ, the Wonderful Corporate “Me”

In order to complete the word of God in our experience, we need to have a clear vision of what and who Christ is. It is God’s delight and pleasure to reveal His Son in us (Gal. 1:15-16). No matter how low we are, how far away from God we are, or even how good […]
as the factor to enact God’s New Testament economy, Christ replaced all the sacrifices with Himself
Praise the Lord – everything of the old is gone, now everything is new! God is new, Christ is new, and we are the new creation! In His incarnation and His death Christ replaced everything of the old – including the old creation – with Himself, the new and living One! In Psalm 2, Psalm 8, Psalm 16, Psalm 22-24 we can see what kind of Christ we have in His incarnation – He came to carry out God’s will and His commission to terminate the old and bring in the new creation. We were included in the old creation terminated and germinated by Him! In Christ we are no longer old – we are a new creation