As believers in Christ, we are branches of Christ, those grafted into Him as the cultivated olive tree to enjoy Him as the life-giving Spirit by denying the self to absorb the riches of Christ. Hallelujah! The types and figures in the Old Testament show us a picture of what we the New Testament […]
Exercise our spirit to Absorb the Riches of Christ into whom we’re Grafted Contrary to Nature
We Honor God and Others by being Filled with the Holy Spirit and Ministering the Spirit

Praise the Lord for the all-inclusive Christ as the good land, a land of olive trees! Here we enjoy and experience Christ as the One who was filled and anointed with the Spirit and we become sons of fresh oil, those who honor God and man by ministering Christ to others. Hallelujah! Our good land […]
Lighting the Lamps involves every Aspect of our Experience in the Christian Life

As believers in Christ we need to daily come to the Lord in our Christian life and be shined on by Him, and we need to walk in His light. However, there’s a great danger that we would “make our own light” and walk in our own light, which leads to pain and darkness. I […]
Being the Sons of Fresh Oil Today, those Filled with the God as Golden Oil

We need to see a vision of the two olive trees on the two sides of the lampstand in Zech. 4:11-14. Because God’s testimony among His people on earth was waning and declining, there was the need for two olive trees, two sons of oil, who would pour out oil into the lampstand and strengthen […]