Christ is our new wine to be put into fresh wineskins; the church life today is the new wineskin into which Christ as the new and fresh wine can be contained, and together we are the Body of Christ, for we all have Christ in us as the new and fresh wine. Praise the Lord! […]
We Drink Christ as our New Wine in the Church Life as the Fresh Wineskins Today
Drink and be Saturated with Christ as the New Wine to become a Drink Offering to God

By experiencing Christ as the wine-producing vine and by being filled with Him as the new wine, we believers in Christ may become a drink offering in Him and with Him, being poured out upon the saints’ sacrifice of the faith. Hallelujah! The most happy person in the world is not the most selfish one […]
Abide in Christ and Experience His Sacrificing Life to Live a Life of Sacrifice

When we believers in Christ contact the Christ typified by the vine and experience His sacrificing life, He in us will energize us to live a life of sacrifice, producing wine to make others happy and also to make God happy. Amen! The Lord Jesus is the vine, and we are the branches; as the […]
Contacting the Lord to Experience His Sacrificing Life to Cheer God and make man Happy

The good land is a land of vines, typifying the sacrificing Christ, the Christ who sacrificed everything of Himself, and out of His sacrifice He produced new wine to cheer God and man; we need to experience His sacrificing life! Hallelujah for our Christ who lived a self-sacrificing life for God to be satisfied and […]
Being Poured out as a Drink Offering over the Building of God for His Satisfaction

It is a great blessing to read the Bible with “the glasses of God’s economy” on. When we read the account in Gen. 35 with Jacob going to Bethel, setting up an altar, calling on the name of the Lord, having the Lord’s speaking, setting up a pillar and pouring out a drink offering and […]
Being Filled with Christ as New Wine and Becoming a Drink Offering to Cheer God and Man

As we grow in life and experience Christ, we will experience Him as the wine-producing vine and we will be filled with Him as the new wine. Christ is the new wine, and as we drink Him as the new wine we are filled with Him and saturated with Him, and we become one with […]
Being Self-Sacrificing Persons with the Spirit of Martyrdom for God’s Satisfaction

Daniel and his three companions are a pattern to us as self-sacrificing person with a spirit of martyrdom. They didn’t care for the king’s decree of the punishment if they don’t obey him – they loved God more and feared more of offending God than offending the king. Daniel went to his room and prayed […]