Human life without God is vain and vanity, for human life in the corrupted world is a vanity, a chasing after wind; however, God has put eternity in man’s heart, and we can return to God, be saved, receive His life, and be one with Him organically to live a life for the fulfilment of […]
God put Eternity in Man’s Heart: we Realize the Vanity of Human Life and we Seek God!
Christ is the Testimony of God and the Center, Leader, Way, and Goal of God’s People

As the One who is the meaning of the life of God’s people, Christ the testimony of God, and He is the center of God’s people, the Leader, the way, and the goal. In order for us to be formed as an army to fight for God’s interest on earth we need to take Christ […]
The Meaning of our Life is for God to Enter into us and be Expressed Through us

The central thought of the book of Numbers is that Christ is the meaning of life, the testimony, the center of God’s people, and the Leader, the way, and the goal of their journey and fighting. Hallelujah, Christ is the meaning of life for God’s people! Before we go on to see the need for […]
The Story of a High School Student – what is the meaning of my life?
When 10:30pm came around, I closed my chemistry book, kicked off my slippers and turned out the light. I leaned back on my pillow and stared up at the ceiling in the quietness of my bedroom. I felt exhausted and as I lay there, I began to consider my life. My life was like a […]