Enjoy the All-inclusive Christ as God, as Man, and as the Reality of Our Necessities

The all-inclusive Christ as the rich soil into whom we are rooted is all that we need, and in Him we lack nothing; Christ as the soil is the history and mystery of God with all the riches of His person and processes, and He is God, man, and all our necessities. Praise the Lord […]

Christ as our Real Joshua Leads us into Glory and Rest, and He Fights against the Flesh

Joshua is a type of Christ in many aspects; Christ as the real Joshua is the real Captain of our salvation leading us into glory and into the good land to rest and enjoy Christ, He is the grace replacing the law, and He is the present and practical Christ as the indwelling, fighting Spirit […]

Having God’s Guidance and Leading in and through Christ according to God’s Covenant

Praise the Lord, we can have God’s guidance and leading in and through Christ according to God’s covenant! God’s guidance to His people is in a general way and His leading is in a particular way through Christ, the One who was crucified and resurrected and is now in His ascension. In the book of […]

Christ is the Testimony of God and the Center, Leader, Way, and Goal of God’s People

As the One who is the meaning of the life of God’s people, Christ the testimony of God, and He is the center of God’s people, the Leader, the way, and the goal. In order for us to be formed as an army to fight for God’s interest on earth we need to take Christ […]

Being Witnesses of Christ as the Leader and the Savior, the Son of Man, and God Himself

The all-inclusive Christ we are propagating by being His witnesses on earth is the Leader and the Savior, the Son of Man, and even God Himself who purchased the church with His own blood. What we are today is not preachers but witnesses. God doesn’t want people who merely teach others about the Bible but […]

We’re Resurrected and Ascended with Christ, having Him as Life within and Power without

After spending 33.5 years in His earthly ministry, the Lord Jesus today is the God-man on the throne in the heavens in His heavenly ministry, having many statuses and doing many things; we as His people are resurrected and ascended with Christ, having Him within us as life and upon us as our power, and […]

God Exalted Christ in His Ascension and made Him Lord of All, the Christ, and the Leader

In the book of Acts we see a resurrected and ascended Christ who is in the heavens, who is now being propagated by the disciples to produce the church as the kingdom of God; in His ascension Christ was exalted by God and made Lord of all, the Christ, the Leader, and the Savior. Acts […]