The ultimate incorporation of the processed and consummated Triune God with the regenerated and transformed people is the New Jerusalem, and we’re incorporated into the New Jerusalem, the universal incorporation, by eating Christ as the hidden manna. Wow, Hallelujah! God’s desire, His ultimate purpose, is high and lofty, but the way to attain it […]
Being Incorporated into the New Jerusalem, the Ultimate Incorporation of God and Man
Our Life is Hidden with Christ in God; we need to Take Christ as Life and Live Him

As believers in Christ, our life is the Christ who dwells within us, and this life is hidden with Christ in God; we need to take Him as life and live by Him in our daily life. When we were regenerated, we were brought into another realm, the realm of the divine life, the realm […]
Having no Distance between us and Christ to Eat and Digest Him as the Hidden Manna

When we minister to the Lord, having no distance between us and Him, we enjoy Him as the hidden manna, and we let Him have the thoroughfare in our being so that He may be assimilated into us. What we have in the Holy of Holies is the ark of the covenant, in which there’s […]
The Christ we Eat, Enjoy, Digest, and Assimilate today will be an Eternal Memorial

God supplied His people Israel with manna every day during their journey through the wilderness; every morning the manna descended from heavens, and the children of Israel had to gather enough for one day. How wonderful it was to eat heavenly food day by day! Furthermore, God commanded His people to take an omerful of […]
Overcoming the Worldliness in the Degraded Church by Eating Christ as the Hidden Manna

Only the Lord sees and knows our real situation and our true condition. Christ as the High Priest is constantly walking (not running, but walking) among the local churches, He sees their situation, and He speaks a specific word to each of the churches. Through His speaking to the churches, the Lord trims away anything […]