Today we need to enjoy Christ as our divine provision and as our everything in and for the Body of Christ. Christ as our allotted portion supplies us with everything we need, and in Him we lack nothing; He’s the all-sufficient God and the great I am, and we can enjoy and experience Him every […]
Enjoy Christ as our Divine Provision and as Everything to us in and for the Body
Christ is the Head: we fully Open to Receive the Divine Transmission Continually

On one hand, we need to see the objective aspect of the Lord’s ascension; on the other hand, we need to see and experience the subjective aspect of His ascension and be fully open to receive the divine transmission continually in our daily life. Amen! Our Christ, who is our Savior and Lord, has accomplished […]
Christ is the Head of the Body, having the First Place, and He’s our Hope of Glory!

It is a blessing that we believers in Christ can know and experience the all-inclusive Christ as revealed in Colossians, in particular, that Christ is the Head of the Body, the church, that He might have the first place in all things, and that the all-inclusive Christ is in us to be the hope of […]
Seeing the Degradation of the Church from God’s Original Intention for the Church

When we see the original condition of the church and the degradation of the church, we will realise the great need for the recovery of the church today. After the Lord Jesus died and resurrected, He came and breathed Himself into His believers and imparted the divine life into them to regenerate them for His […]
In His Ascension Christ was Made the Head of the Church and the High Priest

Christ’s accomplishments and attainments in His ascension are very high and awesome, and we will spend eternity enjoying all that He is and has done. Our achievements may be enjoyed only by us or our family or workmates, but Christ’s achievements in His resurrection and ascension are in the Spirit with our spirit for us […]