The Bible is the complete divinely inspired word of God, His letter written to us with the help of men who were borne of the Holy Spirit, and every book in the Bible is God’s speaking, focusing on God’s economy, His eternal plan. In His sovereignty, God has allowed certain books to be in the […]
Paul’s Gospel concerns Christ as the Spirit Living in us and the Body of Christ
The Body of Christ is the Enlargement of Christ, the Mingling of God with man

It is God’s mercy for us to see HOW does Christ build up the church as the temple of God, and to realize that He doesn’t need our “help” to build the church but He only needs that we LET Him build Himself into us to mingle Himself with us for the building up of […]
Christ’s Ascension was His Inauguration into His Heavenly Offices for His Heavenly Ministry

We need to have a great and colossal vision concerning the ascended Christ, the Christ in the heavens. We need to see the Christ who has ascended to the heavens and who was inaugurated, exalted, and enthrone to be the One commissioned to execute God’s universal administration and carry out God’s new testament economy through His […]
When the Flesh is Dealt with, the Kingdom of God comes in and the Church is Built Up

The goal of God’s salvation, provision, and revelation – as seen in the book of Exodus is God’s building, His corporate expression. For God to have the building there’s the need for us as God’s people to be in the kingdom of God and live under the rule of God. In Exo. 18, right after […]
Being Willing to be Headed up in Christ by Growing in Life and Living in the Light

God has chosen us, predestinated us, redeemed us, forgiven us, and graced us in Christ for the purpose of heading up all things in Christ (see Eph. 1:3-10). God’s purpose in blessing us with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus in the heavenlies and for giving Himself to us as our enjoyment is so that […]
The All-Inclusive Christ is Everything to Us for the Building of the Church

In the first part of Zechariah (the first eight chapters) we see eight visions with many aspects of Christ related to the recovery of God’s building. In the second part of Zechariah (the last six chapters), there are some prophecies concerning Christ in the future, after the recovery of the temple. In Zechariah we see […]
for the Body to be built up the self needs to be dealt with by the cross

We need to take the lead to know the Body of Christ (of which we are members) and to keep every principle of the Body. The first principle of the Body is the oneness – we need to KEEP the oneness of the Body at any cost. Then, we need to see that the Body […]