The Gospels speak of the God-man Jesus Christ; this God-man passed through death and resurrection to be reproduced into many God-men, for we as believers in Christ are the reproduction of Christ, the God-men who are being made like Christ in life, nature, and expression, but not in the Godhead. Hallelujah! If you read the […]
Seeing that we are God-men, the Reproduction of Christ as the God-man to Express God
Follow Jesus to Live a God-man life by the Divine Life for God’s Expression in man

The Lord Jesus as the first God-man lived a particular kind of life; He lived on earth not by His human life but by the divine life, and He denied Himself to live by God and live God in everything. He as the first God-man has cut the way into having such a living that […]
Christ became the first God-man to Express the Divine Attributes in His Human Virtues

The incarnation of Christ and His God-man living fulfilled God’s intention in His creation of man; He came as God mingled with man, a God-man, to live a God-man life by expressing the divine attributes in His human virtues. And today this One lives in us to be reproduced in His Body; we as believers […]
We Enter the Kingdom of God as the Realm of the Divine Species by being Born of God

The kingdom of God is the realm of the divine species, the realm in which are all the divine things; to enter this realm, we need to be born of God, born of water and the Spirit, regenerated with the divine life. The kingdom of God refers not only to the reign of God over […]
The Incarnation of Christ is Closely Related to God’s Purpose in His Creation of Man

God’s purpose is to have a corporate God-man who would express Him and represent Him, and the incarnation of Christ is closely related to God’s purpose the creation of man. As we look deeper into the matter of eating Christ as the meal offering to become the reproduction of Christ for the fulfillment of God’s […]