The Bible is a holy romance, in the most pure and the most holy sense, of a universal couple – God in Christ as the Bridegroom and we as God’s redeemed as the bride. What a wonderful view of the Bible! This week we come to a new topic in the morning revival related […]
The Bible is a Holy Romance: God is a Lover and we’re His Counterpart loving Him
Christ came as the Bridegroom to Court us and Marry the Church as His Bride, His Wife

When the Lord Jesus came, He came as the Bridegroom for the bride; now we as believers in Christ are produced to be the bride of Christ, and at the end of this age there will be a wedding feast culminating in our eternal married life with the Lord. The entire Bible, from Genesis to […]
As the Counterpart of Christ, we need to be Romantic Christians Loving the Lord

The relationship that God wants to have with man is of love, and the Bible is a book of romance, for God created us not only to be in His image and with His likeness but that we would become the counterpart of Christ. In the Old Testament in particular we see that God came […]
In a Pure and Holy Sense, the Bible is a Romance: God has a Love Relationship with us

If we were to enter into the deep thought of the Bible, we will realise that the Bible is a romance, in a most pure and holy sense, with God as the male and we as His people as the female, for us to enter into marriage together. In our Crystallisation-study of the book of […]
The Church will Match Christ as Bone of His Bones for their Eternal Married Life

Only those who are regenerated by Christ and who live by Christ as the church can match Christ and complement Him; when Christ sees this, He will surely say that this time this is bone of His bones and flesh of His flesh. Adam and Eve are a rich type of Christ and the church; […]
Loving the Lord and being Washed by His Living Word to be the Counterpart of Christ

This week we are enjoying one of the most wonderful statuses of the church – the church as the counterpart of Christ, the bride of Christ; the work in the Lord’s recovery is His genuine work to prepare His bride. A counterpart is one that closely resembles another; it is one that has the same […]
Not Living Luxuriously but Considering ourselves as a Widow, the Wife of Christ

The Lord wants to gain the church, His corporate expression, and in this age of the degradation of the church we need to see the principle of Babylon and be saved from it. The principle of Babylon is first man’s endeavour to build up something on earth to heaven by human ability, and then it […]