Become a Reproduction of Christ by Living Christ: We Live Christ and He Lives in us

We believers in Christ can become a reproduction of Christ as our model by experiencing Christ as the One living in us, being formed in us, and making His home in our hearts; we can live the same way He lived by living Christ, that is, by Christ living in us today. The Lord Jesus […]

God’s Good Pleasure is Related to the Earth, Man, and Christ being Revealed in us

The desire of God’s heart, God’s good pleasure, is what makes Him happy; the Bible reveals that God is happy with the creation of the earth, the creation of man, Christ’s incarnation, His baptism, His resurrection and glorification, our return to Him as prodigal sons, and when His Son is revealed in us. Again and […]

Allowing God to Work Himself into us for the Bringing Forth of Christ (the Seed)

In Genesis 12 we see that God came to Abraham and called him out to go to a land which He would give him and to his seed. Later, God appeared to Abraham, again and again, promising him a seed, and in Gen. 15:4-5 we see that, The word of Jehovah came to him, saying,…[He] […]

experiencing the indwelling Christ by having Christ revealed in us, living in us, and formed in us

Praise the Lord for the book of Galatians, where we see a contrast between Christ and the law – a real contrast between Christ and religion! God gave the law for a short period of time as a guide, an instructor, to bring His people to Christ – when Christ came, the law was over! […]