Christ Himself bore up our sins in His body on the tree; He also took our curse and even became a curse on our behalf, being absolutely abandoned our God, and accomplished a wonderful redemption. How we thank and praise the Lord for His redemption accomplished on the cross! If we read the Bible carefully, […]
Christ bore up our Sins in His body and became a Curse on our Behalf on the Cross
When we Repent for being Serpentine we are Qualified to Enjoy Christ as Eternal Life

The Lord Jesus as the Son of Man was lifted up in the form of the serpent on the cross to bear the judgment for the serpent-poisoned people; if we repent of our serpentine nature and believe into Him, He becomes our Substitute and we enjoy eternal life. Hallelujah! This story in Num. 21:4-9 is […]
Christ Died for our Sins, the Righteous on Behalf of the Unrighteous, to Bring us to God

As the reality of the trespass offering, Christ died for our sins – the Righteous on behalf of the unrighteous – so that He may bring us to God. Thank You Lord for dying for my sins! We are sinners, we have the indwelling sin in our flesh, and whenever we live in the flesh […]
As the Reality of the Sin Offering, Christ was Made Sin on our Behalf on the Cross

The matter of the sin offering is very important to our Christian life and experience, for as the reality of the sin offering, Christ was made sin on our behalf. In carrying out His purpose, God gives us only one person and only one way. The unique person in God’s purpose is Christ, for Christ […]
Our Experience of Christ rests on the Unshakable Foundation of God’s Righteousness

God is love; He loves man, He wants to gain man, and He wants to save man, but at the same time God is righteous, and according to His righteousness He cannot receive us or save us unless the requirements of His righteousness are met. The foundation of our salvation is not God’s love of […]
Christ Died on our Behalf to Fulfill God’s Righteousness: now God Must Forgive us!

The gospel is the gospel of glory, the gospel of the kingdom, and the gospel of grace; this gospel has a structure that causes us to know that the gospel is solid and firm. The structure of the gospel of God is clearly stated by Paul in Rom. 1:17, The righteous shall have life and […]
Christ Became a Man to Die on the Cross to Bear the Judgement of God for Us

May the Lord grant us mercy and shine on us in a fresh way that we may see the meaning and significance of the altar of burnt offering, which typifies the cross of Christ. Many Christians “wear the cross” visibly and they may even be proud of it, but what is the real significance of […]