The source of every trespass is sin in our flesh, and the reason for every trespass is not living absolutely for God. But Hallelujah, Christ is our trespass offering, and whenever we are aware that we sinned, or when the Lord shines on us to expose our mistakes, wrongdoings, and trespasses, we can simply confess […]
Taking Christ as our Trespass Offering for our Lies, Unfaithfulness and Defilement
Seeing that Christ Destroyed the Devil and knowing how to Withstand and Overcome him

The manifestation of the Lord Jesus destroyed the works of the devil, and the death of the Lord Jesus destroyed the devil himself (see 1 John 3:8; John 3:14; 12:31; Heb. 2:14). Praise the Lord, Christ destroyed the devil on the cross! The Son of God was manifested so that He might destroy the works […]
The Son of God was Manifested that He might Destroy the Works of the Devil in Us

Praise the Lord, the Son of God was manifested for so that He might destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8)! God became a man – He put on humanity, and in Jesus Christ the infinite God became a man; He had the likeness of the flesh of sin but without the sin […]
Christ Came in the Likeness of the Flesh of Sin and God Condemned Sin in the Flesh

When Christ died as a man in the flesh on the cross, God condemned sin in the flesh (Rom. 8:3). I’m so full of appreciation and love for the Lord who didn’t give up on us, fallen sinful men. Even though Satan injected his evil nature into us and right now all human beings are […]
The Word Became Flesh: Christ came in the Likeness of the Flesh of Sin yet without Sin

On one hand, the Word became flesh (John 1:14), and on the other, God sent His Son in the likeness of the flesh of sin and concerning sin to condemn sin in the flesh (Rom. 8:3). This is a wonderful matter in the New Testament. Christ came as the reality of the sin offering, and […]
As the Reality of the Sin Offering, Christ was Made Sin on our Behalf on the Cross

The matter of the sin offering is very important to our Christian life and experience, for as the reality of the sin offering, Christ was made sin on our behalf. In carrying out His purpose, God gives us only one person and only one way. The unique person in God’s purpose is Christ, for Christ […]
We need to take Christ as our Sin Offering by Laying our Hands on Him in Prayer

Because sin is in our fallen human nature, after regeneration we still need to take Christ as our sin offering and as our trespass offering. We cannot say that we have no sin, for sin is in our very nature, and the indwelling sin is with us until the day of our rapture or the […]