The children of Israel who returned to the good land from captivity in Babylon were told to remember the covenant that God made with Abraham, which is fulfilled in the New Testament; God made His covenant with Abraham through the crucified and resurrected Christ. We want to see the crucial aspects of living in […]
We Stand on the Covenant God made with Abraham to Enjoy the All-inclusive Christ
The Fellowship of the Eternal Life (2) – Truth Series 3

Part of the, Young Adults Truth Series, hosted and published by the UniStudents in Europe, this is the Fellowship of the Eternal Life (part two) – truth series #3. Enjoy the sharing by our brother Don and be washed in the water in the word to be brought into the fellowship of the eternal life! […]
Christ is the Reality of all the Offerings for us to Worship God in Spirit and Truthfulness

Christ is the reality of the offerings so that we may worship God in spirit and truthfulness (John 4:23-24); as we live daily by enjoying Christ as the reality of all the offerings, we are brought into the building of God with man, the mutual dwelling place of God and man, the church. Praise the […]
The serpent and the Bride: how we as Satan’s Increase are Becoming Christ’s Increase

In John 3 we see the serpent and the bride; though we were bitten by the serpent and are serpentine in nature, Christ came and was lifted up as our Substitute, bore God’s judgment for us, and we can believe in Him to become part of His increase, His bride. Wow, what a marvelous plan […]
Believe in Christ as the Reality of the Bronze Serpent and Enjoy His Sin-Dealing Life

The bronze serpent in Num. 21:4-9 is a type of the Lord Jesus, who was crucified in the likeness of the flesh of sin as our Substitute and replacement so that we, sinners who are bit by the serpent, might look at Him (believe into Him) and have eternal life. In Num. 21 the people […]
Experience and Minister Christ as the Sin-Dealing Life to others for our Priesthood

For our consecration for the priesthood we need to enjoy Christ as the sin offering and minister Him as the sin-dealing life to the saints, thus bearing the iniquity of God’s people. Part of the consecration of the priests was that there was a bull offered as a sin offering, which signifies the richer and […]
Experiencing Christ as the Reality of the Offerings, the Total Picture of God’s Economy

If we read Leviticus 1:1 – 6:7 we see that the sequence of the five offerings is according to our practical experience, while the sequence in 6:8-7:38 is according to the total picture of God’s economy. This entire last week we have been enjoying the matter of Christ as the reality of the peace offering at […]