May we Experience and Enjoy Christ as the Shepherd and Overseer of our Soul Today!

As the Lord Jesus shepherds our soul and restores our soul, we not only experience Christ but also enjoy Him, for we get a taste for enjoying the Lord in our soul and we enjoy what we eat – we eat Christ and we enjoy Him, the One who is the Shepherd and Overseer of […]

Kingdom People Enjoy Christ as our Physician, Shepherd, and the Lord of the Harvest

In His kingly ministry for the establishing of His heavenly kingdom in the stage of His incarnation, the Lord Jesus considered Himself a Physician, a Shepherd, and the Lord of the harvest; today we can enjoy and experience Christ as our Physician, our Shepherd, and the Lord of the harvest. What a wonderful Christ we […]

Christ Shepherds us to Enjoy Him, Drink the Spirit, and Walk on Paths of Righteousness

The Lord Jesus is our Shepherd and we are His sheep; Christ shepherds us to enjoy Christ as green pastures and the Spirit as the waters of rest, and He also shepherds us to revive us and transform us as we walk according to the spirit on the paths of righteousness. Hallelujah for Christ as […]

Christ takes All-inclusive, Tender Care of us: He Shepherds us in the Enjoyment of Himself

The Lord as our Shepherd gathers us, His sheep, and brings us back to Himself as our allotted portion of the good land, so that we may enjoy the resurrected and ascended Christ, drink of the Spirit as the flowing river, and enjoy His all-inclusive, tender care. As we enjoy His shepherding, we are brought […]

Christ is the Shepherd according to God’s Heart Searching for His Sheep to Recover them

In the book of Jeremiah we see how Jehovah spoke concerning the shepherds, the rulers in Israel, mainly exposing their work of scattering the flock and promising to give shepherds according to His own heart; Christ is the Shepherd according to God’s heart. This week in our crystallization study of the books of Jeremiah and […]

Paying more Attention to Life than to Work and Seeing how Paul was a Pattern in Shepherding

The Lord Jesus in His heavenly ministry is the Great Shepherd, the Shepherd of our souls, and in Acts 20 and 1 Thes. 2 we also see that Paul was a pattern of cooperating with Christ’s heavenly ministry to shepherd people for the building up of the Body of Christ. This week in our morning […]

Blessing is the Overflow of the Divine Life that Inwardly Changes us and Fills us

The issue of Jacob’s transformation and maturity was blessing – he blessed everyone! At the end of his life, when he went to Egypt, all Jacob did was to bless: he blessed Pharaoh, he blessed his sons, and he blessed Joseph’s sons. The issue of maturity in life and of the reigning aspect of a […]