The Lord Jesus is our rest; we can come to Him as we are, with our toil and burdens, and He will give us rest, and we can learn from Him, for He is meek and lowly in heart, and we will find rest for our souls as we take His yoke upon us. Amen! […]
The Lord Jesus is our Rest: come to Him, Take His Yoke and Find Rest for your Souls
We Diligently Seek the Lord to Enter into Rest today – Christ is our Sabbath Rest

We want to be those who diligently seek the Lord to enter into rest today, for Christ is the reality of the Sabbath rest in our spirit, and Christ is our real Sabbath rest to us today! As believers in Christ, we need to see that the Sabbath rest is Christ as our rest, typified […]
Enjoying Christ as our Rest in our Spirit today, in the Millennium, and for Eternity

Christ as the real Sabbath rest is our rest both in this age and in the next and for eternity; God rests when He is expressed and represented, and Christ is rest to the saints for their full satisfaction in love. Amen! This week we come to the first crystal in the book of Ruth, […]
In His Kingship Christ Comes as the Peace Bringer: We Enjoy Him as our Rest in Peace

Jacob’s prophesying with blessing concerning Judah speaks of the victory of Christ, the kingdom of Christ, and the enjoyment and rest in Christ. In likening Judah to a lion that catches the prey and goes up to his place, resting and not being disturbed by anyone, Jacob actually spoke of Christ as the unique and […]