The feast of the Passover signifies Christ as our redemption to begin our enjoyment of God’s salvation with God, in which Christ is everything. There were seven yearly feasts, and the first one was the feast of the Passover. There were the weekly feasts, the Sabbath, and there were the yearly ones, seven of them. […]
Christ is our Passover; He’s our Redemption to Begin our Enjoyment of God’s Salvation
The Lord Conducts a Military Census: we need to Experience Christ as our Redemption

Many people believe in God, and they firmly believe that God is almighty, all-powerful, and He can do anything He wants, not needing our help to do anything. Genesis 1-2 shows us that God created the heavens and the earth, and then He came in to do a work of restoration and further creation; in […]
God’s Judgement Reached the Inward Parts of Christ as He Died for us on the Cross

All genuine believers in Christ know that the Lord Jesus came and died for us on the cross; He was our Substitute on the cross to bear God’s judgement on our behalf. Seeing such a crucified Christ causes us to respond to Him in love and open to Him to receive Him as our Savior. […]
Christ Became Wisdom to us from God as Righteousness, Sanctification, and Redemption

God’s purpose for the church is to subdue His enemy by displaying His multifarious wisdom through the church. The church is God’s masterpiece, His work of art, His amazing handiwork to be displayed for all to see God’s multifarious wisdom. Through the church God’s wisdom is being expressed in its multi-faceted way, in its many […]