As those who love the Lord and want to be a proper vessel for Him to fill and use, we need to pursue Christ as love, for love is the very nature of God’s essence and we can receive His dispensing to become the same as He is as love, and we need to pursue […]
Pursue Christ as Love and Peace to be Constituted with Him as Love and Live in Peace
God is Everything to us in the Divine and Mystical Realm of the Consummated Spirit

The Bible reveals that Christ has become the pneumatic Christ, Christ as the life-giving Spirit, to be a realm in which we can live, move, and do all things; everything we need to live the Christian life is in the divine and mystical realm of the consummated Spirit and the pneumatic Christ. Wow, Hallelujah! We […]
The Triune God with His Embodiment and Redemption is Involved with bringing in the Kingdom

We need to see, at least as a glimpse, the Divine Trinity and the sovereign hand of the Lord in 1 and 2 Samuel, and how the Triune God with His embodiment and redemption was fully involved with bringing forth Samuel and David so that the kingdom of God may be brought in. The […]
Let us pray for the saints to proclaim the glad tidings of the gospel of peace

Dear saints, let us pray that the saints would see the urgent need to preach the gospel of peace, the glad tidings that Christ is our peace, our peace offering, and the Peacemaker, the One who broke down the middle wall of partition, the enmity, abolishing in His flesh the law of the commandments in […]
Jehovah God is the I AM: He’s Ever-Existing and All-inclusive, He Meets all our Needs

Our God is the I AM – He is everything that we need; He is the true God, the living God, the eternal King, He is ever-existing and self-existing, and toward us, His people, He is the I am, the reality of all positive things. Hallelujah! This week we come to another crystal in the […]
Allowing the Peace of Christ to Arbitrate in our Hearts for the Church to be in Oneness

When we allow the peace of Christ to arbitrate in our hearts, this peace will settle all the disputes among us, we will have peace with God and with man, the church life is maintained in oneness, and we experience the renewing of the new man. Christ is our peace offering, as revealed in the […]
Christ as the Peacemaker Made Peace on the Cross by Abolishing all the Ordinances

The peace offering typifies Christ as the peacemaker; because of the ordinances, regulations, customs, habits, rituals, and ways of living and worship, we all are divided and scattered, so Christ came and made peace between us in His body on the cross. Hallelujah, Christ is our peace, Christ made peace, and Christ came to preach […]