In John 6 the Lord Jesus showed us how He is the bread of life, and just as He lives because of the Father so we who eat Him as the bread of life shall live because of Him (John 6:57-58). In order for us to live Christ and express God from within, we need […]
Eating, Digesting, and Assimilating Christ into our Being to Live because of Him
Our Real Need is to Eat Christ as the Bread of Life – He is our Daily Food Supply

After being delivered by God with a strong arm from the usurpation of Pharaoh in Egypt, the people of Israel began their journey through the wilderness toward the good land, the land flowing with milk and honey. One of the most crucial things to realize in the book of Exodus is the change of diet: […]
enjoying the dew and the manna from the Lord to be revived every morning

The Lord promises in Hosea 14:5, “I will be like the dew to Israel“. If you read the context of this chapter in Hosea you will see that the people of Israel have left God, going after idols, and they committed adultery. Yet God will still be to them like the dew, refreshing in the […]
Enjoying Christ as our Provision, as seen in the book of Exodus (SA students camp summer 2011)
… once we are in the wilderness what should we do? We should not start complaining but rather tell the Lord: “Lord, You are the One that led me here. Lord, I am thirsty. Give me a drink!” Some of us have been in the church life for quite a while and our experience of the Lord is just not rich anymore and we do not understand. We have been eating all these years but not drinking enough! We need to drink! [continue reading this sweet sharing from a student in South Africa from his top enjoyment in a recent student camp]
The Bible is about Life and Building; God is seeking a building, and we are saved for God’s building!
In the entire Bible we see that God is seeking a building. The very first vision in the Bible, which sets the principle for all the following visions in the Bible, is Jacob’s dream in Gen. 28 – a vision of Bethel, God’s dwelling place. All the spiritual visions in the Scriptures are with God’s […]