The Body builds itself up in love as the joints are supplying and each part is functioning in their measure. The joints supplying and the parts functioning in their measure cause the growth of the Body unto the building up of itself in love; when the joints of rich supply function and each one […]
The Body Builds itself up in Love as the Joints are Supplying and Each Part is Functioning
Bear one another in Love, Hold to Truth in Love, and Walk in Love – God as our Love

Ephesians 4 reveals that we need to bear one another in love, hold to truth in love, and walk in love; this is to love the Lord in incorruptibility. The love with which we love the Lord and we love one another is not our natural love, our human love, but it is God […]
We know that We have Passed out of Death into Life because we Love the Brothers

Praise the Lord, through faith in Christ and by loving the brothers we have passed out of death and into life, and we enjoy the sweet flow of life to minister life for the building up of the Body of Christ. Amen! Satan attacks the church mainly by bringing in death; however, the church is […]
Applying Christ as the Reality of All the Positive Things Daily to be Full of Christ

The all-inclusive, extensive Christ is full of attractiveness, rich in magnetism, and our prize is to enjoy Christ as the reality of all the positive things in the universe, taking Him as the reality of all positive things in our daily living. According to the Bible, Christ has become our life and our everything; He […]