Our God is the I AM – He is everything that we need; He is the true God, the living God, the eternal King, He is ever-existing and self-existing, and toward us, His people, He is the I am, the reality of all positive things. Hallelujah! This week we come to another crystal in the […]
Jehovah God is the I AM: He’s Ever-Existing and All-inclusive, He Meets all our Needs
Let the Word of Christ dwell in us Richly for Christ as the Spirit to be our Life
Today God speaks in Christ, the Son of God, and Christ is embodied in His Word; we need to have the Lord’s speaking every day and let the word of Christ dwell in us richly, allowing Him to make His home and be rooted deeply in all the inward parts of our being. Amen! In […]
Don’t be Disappointed when you Fail: God is Faithful to Mature us to be the New Jerusalem
If we fail God today, we should not be disappointed, for God is faithful to do it in us; He has a way to deal with us and cause us to be mature and become the New Jerusalem, either as His overcoming bride in the next age or as His wife for eternity. This week […]
Being Faithful to Cooperate with God’s Ultimate Move by Standing for the Recovery
The ultimate move of God today is to have Christ enter into us to be our life so that we may become His living members as His Body, the fullness of the One who fills all in all; we need to cooperate with God’s ultimate move. We need to know what age we are in, […]
Christ as our Life is a Crucified Life, a Resurrected Life, and a Life Hidden in God
Hallelujah, Christ is our life, and Christ as our life is a life hidden in God! The life of God is the life of Christ, and the life of Christ has become our life – Christ is our life, He is so subjective to us that He is our very life to be our living […]
Applying Christ as the Reality of All the Positive Things Daily to be Full of Christ
The all-inclusive, extensive Christ is full of attractiveness, rich in magnetism, and our prize is to enjoy Christ as the reality of all the positive things in the universe, taking Him as the reality of all positive things in our daily living. According to the Bible, Christ has become our life and our everything; He […]
Christ should have Preeminence in our Tripartite Being and in our Spiritual Experiences
Christ should have preeminence in our tripartite being and in our spiritual experiences; He as the all-inclusive, extensive One needs to have preeminence in our being in all things. He came into us to be our life, and He is infusing Himself into us to be the very loving essence with which we love Him. […]