The book of Judges shows that Israel offended God by rejecting Him as their King; we should never forsake or reject God as our King, our Lord, our Head, and our Husband but rather, take Him and experience Him as such a One, and He will be our blessing and He will make us a […]
Enjoy Christ as our King, Lord, Head, and Husband to Receive Blessing and Bless Others
Christ as the Angel of Jehovah came to Serve us and Care for us to bring us Back to God

Christ as the Angel of Jehovah came to serve us and care for us to bring us back to God. It is so amazing to see that the very Jehovah who was the Husband, the Head, and the King of Israel, became a Servant to His wife when He came as the Angel of Jehovah […]
As believers and Lovers of Christ, we need to Seek the Counsel of Jehovah in all Things

As those who love the Lord and practice living in His presence daily, we realize that He is our Husband and we are His bride, His wife; as such, we should not forget our Husband but rather, seek the Lord’s counsel and check with Him concerning everything. This is an important lesson to learn, and […]
As the Counterpart of Christ, we need to be Romantic Christians Loving the Lord

The relationship that God wants to have with man is of love, and the Bible is a book of romance, for God created us not only to be in His image and with His likeness but that we would become the counterpart of Christ. In the Old Testament in particular we see that God came […]
The Bible is a Divine Romance, a Record of God Courting His People and Marrying them

The Bible is a book of love – the entire Bible is a divine romance, for it is a record of how God is courting His chosen people whom He eventually marries. Our eyes are blessed to read such a fact and our ears are blessed to hear this, for many in the Old Testament […]
Let the Lord Expose the Principle of Babylon to Judge and Trim Away any Leaven of Evil

Christ as the High Priest is walking among the churches and gets to know the specific condition and concrete situation of every local church (see Rev. 1-3). He then speaks to the churches a word that would both show who He is to the church, what the church’s need is, how to overcome, and what […]