The Lord Jesus is the good Shepherd, and we all are His sheep; He takes good care of us both inwardly and outwardly, both spiritually and psychologically and physically. How we love our good Shepherd, and how we enjoy His tender all-inclusive care! If we read the gospels we see how He shepherded and cared […]
Loving the Lord and Being One with Him to Shepherd His Sheep for the Church, His Body
Christ Intercedes for us and Speaks to us to Mend us and Make us His Overcomers

What the Lord desires to gain today is His overcomers. He Himself is the leading overcomer: He overcame and the Father gave Him to sit with Him on the throne. Now He is in us as the leading Overcomer and He wants to produce us also as His overcomers in this age. The mending ministry […]
Christ as Our High Priest Cares for Us and Makes Sure we Enjoy All God’s Blessings

In His ascension, the Lord Jesus Christ is our High Priest doing so many things. He is offering the incense at the golden altar (Rev. 8:3), He is bearing us on His shoulders and on His breast before God (Exo. 28:9-29), He cares for God’s need, and He is the Mediator and Executor of a […]
In His Ascension Christ was Made the Head of the Church and the High Priest

Christ’s accomplishments and attainments in His ascension are very high and awesome, and we will spend eternity enjoying all that He is and has done. Our achievements may be enjoyed only by us or our family or workmates, but Christ’s achievements in His resurrection and ascension are in the Spirit with our spirit for us […]
Seeing a Vision of the Excellent Christ in His Preciousness in Daniel 10

In both Daniel 10:4-9 and Revelation 1:13-16 we see a particular vision concerning Christ as the Precious One in His humanity, with many wonderful characteristics. I read the portion in Daniel 10 many times, but it was not until I read brother Lee’s exposition on it in the life-study that I actually got to appreciate […]
Christ’s accomplishments in His all-transcending ascension (cords of a man)

All the processes the Lord Jesus as the first God-man passed through are the cords of a man that God used to draw us in His bands of love. He became a man, lived a perfect human life, died an all-terminating death on the cross, and entered into an all-conquering resurrection. Today we were appreciating […]