In His ascension Christ was made the High Priest in the heavens to bear us in the presence of God, to care for all our needs, and to offer the incense at the golden altar for the carrying out of God’s administration; Christ was inaugurated into His priestly office in His ascension. What a Christ […]
In His Ascension Christ is our High Priest to Care for our Needs and Intercede for Us
Christ on the Throne is now Executing the New Covenant for us to Enjoy its Bequests

Christ in His ascension is on the throne executing the new covenant for us to enjoy all its bequests. Praise the Lord for the new covenant prophesied by Jeremiah and enacted by the Lord Jesus, according to which God inscribes His law into our mind that we may know Him, He puts His law within […]
We need to Know the Work of the Triune God and Enjoy the Work of God and of Christ

We need to know what the Triune God has done for us and highly regard the work of the Triune God – the work of the Father, the work of the Son, and the work of the Spirit. We need to keep God’s Sabbaths, that is, we need to realise that the work of God […]
Christ is our Great High Priest, our Forerunner, our Guarantee, and our Minister

Hallelujah for our wonderful Christ as typified in Leviticus and revealed in the book of Hebrews! He is our merciful, faithful, and great High Priest, our Forerunner, the Surety of a better covenant, the High Priest who is able to save us to the uttermost, and the Minister in the heavens. What a Christ! In […]
Coming to the Throne of Grace in our Spirit to enjoy Christ as our great High Priest

How thankful we are to God that we have such a great High Priest, Jesus Christ, who is now in ascension in the heavenlies and also in our spirit! Having therefore a great High Priest – Jesus Christ, the Son of God – who has passed through the heavens, let us hold fast the confession […]
Christ in His Heavenly Ministry is the Divine High Priest Saving us to His Perfection

Christ is the High Priest according to the order of Aaron to remove sin, a kingly High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek to minister God into us, and a divine High Priest to save us to the uttermost. God’s original intention is that He would dispense Himself as life and everything into the […]
Christ as our High Priest is Interceding for us and He is Ministering God into us

Christ in His ascension is our High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek; He intercedes for us to be His overcomers to defeat His enemies so that Christ may be manifested in His second coming, and He ministers God into us. This week in the morning revival we are enjoying the topic of, The […]