It is vitally important for us to realize that we daily need to eat Christ, feed on Him, take Him in, and enjoy Him as spiritual food. Just as physically we need to eat daily – and even more than one time every day – so spiritually we need to eat Christ, digest Him, and […]
The Bread of the Presence: Christ is the Food for the Believers as Priests to God
Daily Eating and Enjoying Christ as the Reality of all the Offerings for our Food

Jesus Christ, our High Priest, testified that the living Father sent Him and He lived because of the Father; He ate the Father and lived because of the Father, and now we as the sons of God and priests to God need to eat Christ and live because of Him (John 6:57). Our food as […]
Seeing how Christ is the Food, the Clothing, and the Dwelling of the Priests

The Lord today desires to recover the priesthood for God’s building; when there’s a group of priests who live and function in a normal way, the Body of Christ is built up. We need to be restored to a normal situation, a proper situation according to the divine standard, from a condition of failure, degradation, […]
Joseph’s Life was a Copy of the Life of Christ (and how this Applies to us) Part 2

It is so amazing to see how the life of Joseph is a copy of the life of Christ! So many things that Joseph went through together with his attitude toward these things typify Christ’s living on earth, the processes He went through, and His attitude toward these things. There’s no other single person in the […]
Enjoying Christ as the Reality of All our Necessities by Exercising our Spirit

All the genuine believers in Christ are Christ-men, Christ-ians, those who have received Christ into them as their life inwardly and who enjoy Christ in their everyday life. The Bible tells us again and again that Christ is everything to us, and specifically that Christ is the reality of all our necessities. We need food […]
Seeing that our Real Need is to Eat Jesus and not Asking Him to “Do Things for us”

In the Gospels we see how the Lord Jesus had a wonderful God-man human living, constantly taking the opportunity to reveal Himself as being the reality of every positive thing in the universe. If we read the Gospels carefully we will see more than 200 aspects of the Lord Jesus; He is the Bridegroom, the […]
God presents Himself to man as the tree of life – God in Christ is good for us to eat and enjoy!
In Genesis chapter 2 we see a tree in the middle of the garden called, The Tree Of Life, in front of which man was placed. When God created man in His image and with His likeness, He intended that man would express Him and represent Him (Gen. 1:26) – and the way for man […]