Our all-inclusive Christ is the reality of everything positive in the universe; we need to enjoy Christ day by day as the reality of all our necessities, for Christ is our breath, our drink, our food, our light, our clothing, and our dwelling place. Everything we need, He is. The gospel of John shows us […]
Enjoying Christ day by day as the Reality of all our Necessities in our Spirit
We take Christ as our Dwelling Place and Love Him to Abide in Christ and Him in us

For us to abide in Christ and for Christ to abide in us, we need to take Christ as our dwelling place and everything, we need to eat Christ as the hidden manna, and we need to love the Lord Jesus. In John 15 the Lord Jesus said, Abide in Me and I in you; […]
We Abide in Christ and Christ Abides in us as we Live in and with the Divine Trinity

For us to learn the secret of being in Christ as the empowering One (Phil. 4:12-13) is for us to learn the secret of abiding in Christ; to abide in Christ is for us to dwell in Him so that we may experience and enjoy His abiding in us. Paul learned the secret of being […]
Enjoying Christ as the Reality of All our Necessities by Exercising our Spirit

All the genuine believers in Christ are Christ-men, Christ-ians, those who have received Christ into them as their life inwardly and who enjoy Christ in their everyday life. The Bible tells us again and again that Christ is everything to us, and specifically that Christ is the reality of all our necessities. We need food […]