We need to be in the light and walk in the light to enjoy the all-inclusive Christ as our God-allotted portion today. When we are in the light, live in the light, and walk in the light, we enjoy the all-inclusive Christ as our portion, for He has been allotted to the saints in the […]
Be in the Light and Walk in the Light to Enjoy the All-inclusive Christ as our Portion
Enjoy the All-inclusive Christ as our Allotted Portion in the Light with the Saints

As believers in Christ, we need to enjoy the all-inclusive Christ as our allotted portion in the light with all the saints. Christ as the preeminent and all-inclusive One is the allotted portion of the saints in the light for our experience and enjoyment, and when we’re in the light and even become light, we […]
To Enjoy the All-inclusive Christ, we must Engage in Spiritual Warfare and Defeat Satan

If we as believers in Christ would possess the good land for the fulfilment of God’s purpose, we must engage in spiritual warfare to defeat the satanic forces; for us to gain the unsearchable riches of Christ, we must crush the spiritual enemies that hinder us from enjoying Christ. Amen! The good land of […]
Exercise our Spirit to Primarily take care of Enjoying the Lord in our Christian Life

In order for us to be faithful, normal, and proper Christians, the primary matter we need to care for is enjoying the Lord; our spirit needs to take the lead in enjoying the Lord, and we need to experience and enjoy Christ in His all-inclusiveness. Amen! We Christians are wonderful people and at the […]
We’re Commissioned to bring others into the Enjoyment of the All-inclusive Christ

As those who have seen a vision of God’s eternal economy and enjoy the all-inclusive Christ, we are commissioned to bring others into the enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ today. Our vision of Christ, our enjoyment and experience of Christ, and our being converted from anything other than Christ to Him, will commission us […]
We Receive the Kindness of God and Enjoy His Grace because of Christ who Died for Us

Though we have no ground to receive grace, we received kindness from God because of Christ, who died for us and made it possible for us to enjoy God in Christ as grace to meet all our needs; this is typified by David’s showing kindness to Mephibosheth, the son of Jonathan (2 Sam. 9). […]
God’s Purpose is for us to Enjoy Christ and Bring in the Kingdom of God on Earth

God’s intention is for His people to fully enjoy the all-inclusive Christ as the reality of the good land and bring in the kingdom of God in the church life; for God to gain a kingdom in which He is expressed and manifested, the Divine Trinity is needed. Samuel was one who cooperated with […]