We need to take, experience and enjoy Christ as our King by having a clear sky between us and Him with a throne above it, and this has to do with having a good and pure conscience, void of any offense toward God and man. Amen! This week we come to the last week in […]
Take Christ as our King: have the Lord’s Ruling Presence in us, a Clear Sky with a Throne
Being Filled with the Holy Spirit to be in the Lord’s Living Move and not in a Movement

The way the Lord’s move is described in the book of Acts should be our pattern today; in Acts we don’t see any movement or man-initiated work but the move of the living person of Jesus through His disciples who were filled with the Holy Spirit. Today in the church life in the Lord’s recovery, […]
Enjoying Christ’s Ministry as a High Priest according to the Order of Melchizedek

God’s intention from the very beginning was that man would be priests to God; He didn’t ask Adam to do anything for Him but to make sure he eats of the tree of life and not of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Adam spent much time with God and knew God personally, […]
In His Ascension Christ was Enthroned to Execute God’s Administration and Carry out His Economy

What Christ has accomplished and attained to in His ascension is colossal and monumental, and as believers in Christ we do well to dive deeper into the truth in the word of God concerning this matter. We need to see the heavenly scene and the heavenly Christ. After the Lord Jesus died and resurrected, He […]