In His ascension Christ was made the High Priest in the heavens to bear us in the presence of God, to care for all our needs, and to offer the incense at the golden altar for the carrying out of God’s administration; Christ was inaugurated into His priestly office in His ascension. What a Christ […]
In His Ascension Christ is our High Priest to Care for our Needs and Intercede for Us
Having a Living one with Christ’s Living by Seeking the Things Above, where Christ is

For us to seek the things which are above and set our mind on them is to join ourselves to the Lord in His heavenly ministry, His divine enterprise; this is for us to live Christ and to have a living one with Christ’s living. Too much have we lived in the things on earth; […]
Responding in Prayer to the Lord’s Interceding, Ministering, and Administrating

For there to be the genuine reality of the new man among us, prayer is needed; this prayer is a particular kind of prayer, a prayer that is one with the Lord, responding in prayer to His heavenly ministry for Him to bring in the practicality of the new man. This week we saw something […]
We Set our Mind on the Things Above to Respond to Christ’s Heavenly Ministry in Prayer

In His heavenly ministry today Christ is interceding, ministering, and executing God’s administration, and we need to be those who respond to Christ’s heavenly ministry by setting our mind on the things which are above and corresponding to Him in prayer. For the Lord to gain the reality of the one new man lived out […]
Seeking the Things which are Above to be Joined to Christ in His Heavenly Ministry

As believers in Christ who have Christ as their life and living, we need to be those seeking the things which are above and set our mind on them by joining ourselves to the Lord in His heavenly ministry, His divine enterprise, and live Christ by having a living that is one with Christ’s living […]
Christ is Interceding for us to be Glorified, be Saved to the Uttermost, and Overcome

According to Heb. 7 and Rom. 8, Christ is interceding for us at the right hand of God and the Spirit is interceding for us in our spirit, with the goal that we may be saved to the uttermost, that is, that we may be glorified and be like Christ. Christ died for us, He […]
Christ can Save us Completely because He is Interceding for us and He Lives in us

Christ in His heavenly ministry is the divine High Priest, and He is able to save us completely because He is interceding for us constantly; we simply need to come forward to God through Him in our spirit and we will be saved to the uttermost. What a precious statement in Heb. 7: He is […]