Christ takes care of the churches in His divinity with His divine love, nourishing them in His divinity and cherishing them in His humanity; His eyes are like a flame of fire to watch, observe, search, judge by enlightening, and infuse what He is into us, and His presence is with us all the […]
Christ Takes Care of the Churches by Shining, Exposing, Infusing, and Establishing us
Having the Appearing of the God of Glory so that God’s Glory Fills the Church

Praise the Lord, we can have God’s appearing every day and be infused with the God of glory until God’s glory fills the church! Our God is a God of glory, He appears to us in His glory, He attracts us with His glory, He is joined to us by means of Christ as […]
Look away unto the Ascended Christ to Run the Heavenly Race and be Perfected in Faith

As we look away unto the ascended Christ, He as the Perfecter of our faith will complete this faith in us; He is the One on the throne with many qualifications and attainments, and when we look away unto Him, He infuses us with Himself and makes us able to run the heavenly race […]
We need to Run with Endurance the Race set before us by Looking away unto Jesus

We need to run the race with endurance, looking away unto Jesus to be infused with all that He is and be enabled to run the heavenly race and live the heavenly life on earth! Amen! Our dear, wonderful, precious, all-inclusive Lord Jesus Christ is the immense magnet, drawing all people to Himself; as we […]
We live in the Age of Faith; Faith is Christ Infused into us to be our Believing Ability

The age of mystery in which we live today is the age of faith, for faith is the unique requirement God has from us – he who comes forward to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Heb. 11:6). We will not need faith […]
As our Pattern, Christ Emptied Himself, Humbled Himself, and was Glorified by God

For us to experience Christ, we need to know Him as the pattern; we need to have Him as the pattern infused into us, realising that Christ emptied Himself and humbled Himself, and later He was exalted and glorified by God. Oh, may this mind be in us – the mind of Christ, the same […]
Looking Away unto Jesus to be Infused with Himself as our Faith and Run the Race

As believers in Christ, our faith doesn’t originate from ourselves but it is our appreciation of Christ as a reaction to His attraction; our faith as believers is Christ entering into us to be our faith as we are looking away unto Jesus! This is a revolutionizing concept, since many believers may pray like Peter, […]