In order for us to take Christ as everything and gain Him in all things, we need to learn to continually deny the self and turn to our spirit; everything we need is in our spirit, for we are joined to the Lord as one spirit, and we simply need to enter into our […]
For us to gain Christ, we need to Continually Deny the Self and Turn to our Spirit
Satan is the Ruler of this World, but we Cooperate with God for His Kingdom to come

In this universe there are two kingdoms – the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan, and there’s a warfare between these two kingdoms; Satan is the ruler of this world, but we cooperate with God for His kingdom to come! This week in our deeper study of the development of the kingdom of […]
Being a Christian Student on the Campus – no matter what, we’re for Christ and the church!
In our Christian life, it seems like there is always something that demands our attention. In this case, I think a big danger is that if we don’t settle in our being that we MUST love the Lord first, best, and only, and that we MUST be for Christ and the church, then the attitude of being for the Lord when it is convenient may creep in [continue reading]
Christ’s two becomings: Christ became flesh in incarnation and He became the Spirit in His resurrection
Through our faith in Christ we receive Christ into us as a living Person! This is the most precious result of our believing into the Lord – we get Christ, a living Person, to come into us and live in us! On the one hand, Christ is in the heavens at the right hand of […]
The Key to Experiencing Christ is our mingled spirit, and the best way to enjoy Him is to call on His name

How can we experience Christ? How can we contact God? God today is not only in the heavens, sitting on the throne, and He is not just ruling and reigning over everything – He is now as personal to us as being in our mingled spirit! When we received the Lord Jesus into us by […]
for I know that in me, that is, in my flesh, nothing good dwells! May we keep turning to our spirit!

This week I am so exposed in the time in the morning with the Lord, especially as we’re going through “The Flesh and The Spirit”. Before we were saved, the worst situation would be that the conscience would sometimes bother us, or we realized that we want to do the good and most of the […]