If we read the story of Solomon under the light of the spiritual life we will see that he had God-given wisdom which made him great, but his wisdom was absolutely in the physical realm, unlike the wisdom we see in Paul, which is Christ as our wisdom related to God’s eternal economy. It […]
Having the Spiritual Wisdom, Christ as our Wisdom, to become God’s Masterpiece
Christ Became Wisdom to us from God as Righteousness, Sanctification, and Redemption

God’s purpose for the church is to subdue His enemy by displaying His multifarious wisdom through the church. The church is God’s masterpiece, His work of art, His amazing handiwork to be displayed for all to see God’s multifarious wisdom. Through the church God’s wisdom is being expressed in its multi-faceted way, in its many […]
We Need Certain Crucial Experiences of Christ for the Building of the Church

In order for God to have a built-up church as His temple where He can dwell with man on earth, His people need to experience the all-inclusive Christ as their everything. We need to have certain crucial experiences of Christ, as revealed in the New Testament, so that the church as the temple of God […]
In Matthew, Christ is the Lord of the harvest, the wisdom of God, and the One who gives us rest!
Course after course and dish after dish, this week we have been enjoying every day this wonderful Christ in the Gospel of Matthew. What an all-inclusive Christ! It is so good to forget about ourselves, forget about our problems and our situations, and just look away unto Jesus to enjoy Him, appreciate Him, and love […]