The church is a corporate warrior fighting for all of God’s people to enjoy Christ as the all-inclusive good land. The good land of Canaan has two aspects: on one hand it is a type of the all-inclusive Christ with His unsearchable riches for us to enjoy, and on the other, it signifies the aerial […]
Fighting as a Corporate Warrior for God’s People to enjoy the All-inclusive Christ
The Good Land is a Type of the All-inclusive Christ who is Everything to us
The crux of the spiritual warfare is that God wants to gain the good land as a type of the all-inclusive Christ who is everything to us, so that we as His people would express God and represent Him. This week in our deeper study of the spiritual warfare of the church as the new […]
As the I AM, Christ is Everything to us for our Experience and Enjoyment Every Day
The name of the Lord Jesus, who is Jehovah, is the I am; as the I am, Christ is everything to us for our experience and enjoyment, for His being I AM means “I am whatever you need”. When God appeared to Moses and sent him to deliver His people from Egypt, He said, I […]
Enjoying God as our Portion in His Living Word: God in Christ is Everything to us!
What the Word of God in the Bible is to us depends on what our attitude, condition, and heart we have when we come to it; if we come to get more knowledge and doctrines, the Bible is a book full of spiritual things and stories and prophecies, but if we come to the word […]
We Worship the Enthroned Christ but we Enjoy the Indwelling Christ as our Everything
In Colossians we see a high revelation of Christ as our life and our everything. In his completing ministry, Paul shows us an all-inclusive Christ as the reality of all the positive things, and especially in Colossians we see that this Christ is our life. Somehow, the Christ who fills all in all, the one […]
Christ as the Mystery of God is Everything to the Believers for their Enjoyment
All the genuine and seeking believers in Christ today need to see Paul’s completing ministry, and in our daily life we need to complete the word of God. This means, first of all, that we realize we are vessels to contain God as the content. Christ was the individual expression of God, but now the […]
The All-Inclusive Christ is Everything to Us for the Building of the Church
In the first part of Zechariah (the first eight chapters) we see eight visions with many aspects of Christ related to the recovery of God’s building. In the second part of Zechariah (the last six chapters), there are some prophecies concerning Christ in the future, after the recovery of the temple. In Zechariah we see […]