Many times we miss a lot because we know things in general and we don’t get into the details – we may know in general that the Lord Jesus suffered for us and died for us, but we may not know the details. How did He die, what happened, what are the details? When you get into these details in the Word of God, your appreciation of Christ’s death and His suffering will increase to the uttermost, and you will love Him more!
the details of Christ’s sufferings for us before He died: He was hated, reproached, mocked, betrayed
Filed Under: Enjoying Christ, expounding the truth, God became a man, longings, love the Lord, O Lord Jesus!, the all-inclusive Christ, the Christian Life, the Word of God Tagged With: appreciate the Lord, Christ in His suffering, Christ suffered much, Christ suffered on the cross, Christ was betrayed, Christ was given gall, Christ was hated, Christ was stricken, Christ was wounded, Christ wept, Christ's sufferings, crystallization study of Psalms, God judged Christ, hated by many, He bore God's reproach, love the Lord, no one took pity on Him, the waters of death, the zeal of God's house
on the cross Christ suffered men’s reproach, despising, deriding, sneering, head shaking, and mocking
This week we are getting into Psalm 22, which speaks about Christ who passed through the redeeming death and entered into the church-producing resurrection. Wow, a whole week to get into the death of Christ in all its aspects and all its details! I am looking forward to daily know the Lord in His suffering […]
Filed Under: Enjoying Christ, expounding the truth, God became a man, God's economy, love the Lord, O Lord Jesus!, the all-inclusive Christ, the Christian Life, the Word of God Tagged With: Christ bore our reproach, Christ died on the cross, Christ in His suffering, Christ suffered on the cross, Christ was derided, Christ was despised, Christ was mocked, Christ was reproached, Christ's crucifixion, crystallization study of Psalms, filled with love for the Lord, He paid the highest price, His love constrains us, His love is constraining, Psalm 22, see Christ as the crucified One, the church-producing resurrection, the Lord's death, the redeeming death
a detailed picture of Christ in His suffering of death – the redeeming death of Christ in Psalm 22
In the recent Crystallization Study of the Psalms(1) I was very much impressed by the vivid portrait of Christ’s death in Psalm 22. In message 5 entitled, Christ in His Redeeming Death and Church-Producing Resurrection, the center and the main burden is the church-producing resurrection of Christ (Psa. 22:22), but in the beginning the brother encouraged […]
Filed Under: contacting God, Enjoying Christ, expounding the truth, feeding on the Lord, God's economy, longings, love the Lord, O Lord Jesus!, the all-inclusive Christ, the Christian Life, the high peak, the Lord's recovery Tagged With: a view of the dying Savior, a vivid portrait of Christ's death, Christ died on the cross, Christ in His suffering, Christ on the cross, Christ suffered on the cross, Christ suffered physically, Christ was God's substitute, Christ was ridiculed, Christ was sneered at, Christ was the unique sinner, Christ's death on the cross, crystallization study of Psalms, Jesus suffered psychologically, know the crucified Christ, the crucified Christ, the Lord was reproached