Christ was glorified by the Father in His resurrection and released the glory of His divinity, that is, He cast the fire of the divine life on the earth to enlarge the divine incorporation and include man. Hallelujah! What God desires to gain today is a corporate entity among men that is filled with […]
Christ was Glorified in His Resurrection and Released the Fire of His Divine Life!
Christ became the Essence of the Church through the Release and Impartation of His Life

The divine life, Christ Himself, is the essence of the church for its organic existence; Christ became the essence of the church through the release of the divine life, and we are the church as His increase, we are the many sons of God, and we are His multiplication. We need to look at the […]
Christ as the Son of Man is Cherishing us and as the Son of God He’s Nourishing us

The Lord needs to have a new revival, the ultimate revival, which is not just a “flash in the pan” or some excitement that lasts for a little and fades out, but something solid and lasting, something that will close this age and bring the Lord back. What the Lord desires to gain is a […]
Christ put away sin once and for all and He imparted Himself as the divine life into us!
The two great things Christ did in God’s economy while being on earth were that He put away the sin (through His death on the cross) and He imparted His divine life into His believers (in His resurrection). Christ doesn’t just “wash us and cleanse us from our sins” – He dispenses His divine life into us, which life is a sin-dealing and sin-overcoming life!