Hallelujah, we can enjoy the riches of God in Christ by remaining in the touch with the Lord in our spirit day by day! In the universal household of God, the greatest household in the universe, Christ is the unique Steward having the key of David on His shoulder, and He opens and closes […]
We Enjoy the Riches of God in Christ by Remaining in the Touch with the Lord
Christ holds the Key of David to Build up the Church as the House of God and Kingdom of God

To the recovered church, the Lord is the One who has the key of David – He has the key of the kingdom with authority to open and shut; He builds up the church as the house of God and establishes the kingdom of God for God’s expression and representation in the church. Hallelujah! All […]
We need to Know and Experience Christ as the Center of the Divine Administration

In order for us to bear the ultimate responsibility in God’s move to match God in His ultimate recover, we need to know and experience Christ as the center of the divine administration according to God’s eternal economy. In His mercy, the Lord has revealed to us that He has an ultimate move, which is […]
Laying down our Life for the Brothers and Enjoying the One who has the Key of David

The church in Philadelphia is the church of brotherly love; in this church we love the brothers to the extent that we are laying down our life for them, even as the Lord laid down His life on our behalf (1 John 3:16). The Lord’s supreme and unique commandment was that we love one another even as […]