As the Shepherd of our Souls, the Lord Jesus gives Rest to our Soul: come to Him!

As the Shepherd of our souls, the Lord Jesus gives rest to our soul; we need rest from all our toils, struggles, striving, burdens, and labor, for our soul is not at rest in this world, so we come to the Lord as our Shepherd to enjoy Him as our rest. Amen! Thank the Lord […]

Come to the Lord, Learn from Him, Take the Father’s Will, and Find Rest for our Souls

When we come to the Lord as we are, bringing our burdens and toils to Him, He will give us rest; we can then take His yoke upon us – the Father’s will – and learn from Him, for He is meek and lowly in heart, and we will find rest for our souls. Hallelujah! […]

Christ as our Real Joshua Leads us into Glory and Rest, and He Fights against the Flesh

Joshua is a type of Christ in many aspects; Christ as the real Joshua is the real Captain of our salvation leading us into glory and into the good land to rest and enjoy Christ, He is the grace replacing the law, and He is the present and practical Christ as the indwelling, fighting Spirit […]