The incarnation of Christ and His God-man living fulfilled God’s intention in His creation of man; He came as God mingled with man, a God-man, to live a God-man life by expressing the divine attributes in His human virtues. And today this One lives in us to be reproduced in His Body; we as believers […]
Christ became the first God-man to Express the Divine Attributes in His Human Virtues
Christ is the Son of Man, the Second Man, and the Last Adam to Fulfill God’s Purpose

God’s intention in creating man is to gain a corporate man to express Him and represent Him; Christ as the Son of Man, the second Man, and the last Adam fulfills God’s intention in creating man. Hallelujah! This week we come to a further topic on how the church as the one new man fulfills […]
The Incarnation of Christ is Closely Related to God’s Purpose in His Creation of Man

God’s purpose is to have a corporate God-man who would express Him and represent Him, and the incarnation of Christ is closely related to God’s purpose the creation of man. As we look deeper into the matter of eating Christ as the meal offering to become the reproduction of Christ for the fulfillment of God’s […]
God’s Purpose in Creating a Corporate Man is Fulfilled in Christ and the One New Man!

God did not create “many men” – He created one man, one corporate man, Adam, in which we all are included. If you read Gen. 1:26-28 and 5:2 you will see that God created one man, but this man is corporate, collective, since the pronouns, “them” and “their” are used to refer to the corporate […]
God’s name is excellent in all the earth because Christ fulfills God’s purpose through the Body!
This week in the morning revival we are getting into Psalms 8, where we see The Excellency of Christ! This Psalms shows us that God’s purpose and His plan for man to express Him with His image and to represent Him with His dominion have never changed! In Gen. 1:26 we see God’s purpose in […]