There is a difference between the sufferings that are for our transformation or as a result of our mistakes and the sufferings that are for the Body; we need to experience the power of Christ’s resurrection to share in Christ’s sufferings for His Body, that is, for us to suffer for the Body. The […]
Sufferings that are for our Transformation vs Sufferings of Christ for His Body
Our Need for Transformation and Maturity to have the Fullness of the Life of God

Our need today is for transformation and maturity in the life of God, being not only transformed by God’s life that regenerated us but also filled with this life. In order for us to be mature so that we may be ready for the Lord to rapture us at His return, we need to […]
God’s Intention is for us to become a Reproduction of Christ as the Tree of Life

In God’s economy, we believers in Christ are not only eaters of the tree of life but we are also branches of this tree, and we may eventually become a small tree of life, a reproduction of Christ as the tree of life! Amen! This week we come to the last week in this […]
Let us pray for the saints to travail in birth over their spiritual children until Christ is formed in them

Dear saints, let us pray that the saints would follow the pattern of the apostle in learning to travail in birth over their spiritual children until Christ is formed in them (Gal. 4:19). Paul told the Galatian believers that he was again travailing on their behalf. Travail refers to painful labor in childbirth. In this […]
Ten Crucial Points in the Administration of the Church for our Prayerful Consideration

In Paul’s writings and in his living we see ten crucial points in the administration of the church; we need to prayerfully consider these and allow the Holy Spirit to inscribe them in the tablets of our heart so that we may live in them. As we get into the word of God and in […]
God’s Economy is to Work Christ into us; the New Man is Christ Spreading and being Enlarged

Hallelujah, the new man is Christ spreading in us and being enlarged in us! It is amazing to realize that Christ is all and in all in the new man, and that God’s intention is to make Christ the center of His economy and make Him everything to the believers; the new man is one […]
Elements involved when we Experience the Lighting of the Lamps in the Church Meetings

In the meetings of the church – the Holy Place – all the saints must exercise their spirit and cause the lighting of the lamps; the light comes of their enjoyment of Christ as the embodiment of the Triune God, the divine nature, the humanity of Christ, and the Spirit of Christ. Our responsibility and […]