In Phil. 3:10 Paul spoke of being conformed to Christ’s death – he desired to take Christ’s death as the mold of his life; we need to take the death of Christ as the mold in which the power of Christ’s resurrection leads us and keeps us. Such a small verse, v. 10 in […]
Taking the Death of Christ as the Mold of our Life to be Conformed to Christ’s Death
Being Found in Christ and Doing all things in Christ who Empowers us to Magnify Him

In Phil. 4:13 Paul reveals the secret to us: doing all things in Christ as the One who empowers us; we need to be found in Christ, be a man in Christ, and do all things in Christ so that we may live Christ as our human virtues, thereby magnifying Him in His unlimited […]
Knowing God’s Will and Walking Worthily of the Lord to Live Christ by His Empowering

Having the full knowledge of God’s will issues in walking worthily of the Lord as He strengthens us with might for us to live Christ (Col. 1:9-11). We all need to know the will of God – not only His will for our life or His will for our future and what we should do, […]
We’re able to do all Things in Christ who Empowers us to live out the Highest Virtues

We need to learn the secret of being content in all things and all environments, the secret to living Christ; this secret is Christ Himself, for we are able to do all things in Christ who empowers us. Paul testified in Phil. 4:12-13 that he knew how to be abased and how to abound, for […]