There was much to appreciate about this year’s Autumn University Conference: meeting old friends, making new ones, campfires and hymns to the Lord, an informative Q&R session, and a lesson in humility in chess. However, my foremost enjoyment from the conference is our relationship with Christ, and more particularly Christ within us. God does not […]
Christ Dwells in us and We Remain in Him (2023 Autumn Uni Conference)
We’re able to do all Things in Christ who Empowers us to live out the Highest Virtues

We need to learn the secret of being content in all things and all environments, the secret to living Christ; this secret is Christ Himself, for we are able to do all things in Christ who empowers us. Paul testified in Phil. 4:12-13 that he knew how to be abased and how to abound, for […]
Today is the day to have a New Man Constituted of All the Local Churches on earth

The application of the new man spoken of in Eph. 2:15 and Col. 3:10-11 is that all the local churches in the different countries are one new man. So our practice of the church life should be with the Body of Christ and the new man as the goal in view. The constitution of the […]
Subjectively Knowing Christ as the Indwelling One, the Life-Giving Spirit

The central element of Paul’s ministry, the most important matter in our Christian life, and the most missed thing in Christianity today is the indwelling Christ, Christ living in us (Col. 1:27; Gal. 2:20). The Lord Jesus spoke about it before He went to the cross and the apostles emphasized it very much in the […]