It is amazing to realize that, through His universal travelling in His ascension, Christ let as captives those who had been taken captive by Satan and made them gifts to His Body; He descended from heaven, descended to Hades, was raised to the earth, and ascended to the third heavens, and by His universal […]
By His Universal Travelling, Christ led us Captive and Gave us as Gifts to the Body!
The Lord Jesus Defeated and Destroyed the Devil, Undid his Works, and Cast him out!

After rebelling against God, Satan has his own kingdom, the kingdom of darkness, where he rules; however, praise the Lord, the Lord Jesus was victorious over Satan at Golgotha, and He came to defeat him, destroy him, and annul his works and cast him out! Hallelujah! When we read the book of Job we can’t […]
Enjoy and Announce the Glad Tidings of the Triune God with all His Accomplishments

Psa. 68 reveals God’s victory in Christ as the center, typified by the Ark, and in the first part we see that we as His believers, the women staying at home, enjoy the spoil and preach the glad tidings, which is the Triune God with all His accomplishments. What is the connection between Psa. 68 […]
Engaging in Spiritual Warfare by Being in Ascension and Proclaiming Christ’s Victory

In the spiritual reality behind the scenes of the human world and things there’s a spiritual warfare raging: Satan fights with all he has against God and His people. The fact is, however, that Satan has already been defeated by Christ on the cross, so now he fights to delay the fulfillment of God’s plan; […]
Praise God for His Glorious Triumph over His Enemy and His Salvation of His People!

In the book of Exodus we clearly see that the goal of God’s salvation, provision, and revelation is the building of His dwelling place. Also, the central thought and the direction of the book of Exodus is the dwelling place of God. Once God has His building, He has a way to bring in His […]
Through the Church God’s Multifarious Wisdom is made Known and the Enemy is Subdued!

God’s purpose in creating man in His image and according to His likeness is that man would express Him with His image and represent Him with His dominion. Adam, the first man, failed to express and represent God, and because of Adam’s sin and failure we are all born in sin, under Satan’s usurpation. However, Christ […]
What Really Happened When Christ Was On the Cross and When He Was Buried?
![What Really Happened When Christ Was On the Cross and When He Was Buried? [in the picture: road over mountains, wallpaper stock image]](
The only sign that the Lord Jesus gave to the Jews was the sign of Jonah (see Matt. 12:38-41). Christ’s death, His burial, and His resurrection are the greatest sign that we as Christians can tell others about – they are the greatest miracle. The Bible actually displays a step-by-step movie of what happened when […]