After rebelling against God, Satan has his own kingdom, the kingdom of darkness, where he rules; however, praise the Lord, the Lord Jesus was victorious over Satan at Golgotha, and He came to defeat him, destroy him, and annul his works and cast him out! Hallelujah! When we read the book of Job we can’t […]
The Lord Jesus Defeated and Destroyed the Devil, Undid his Works, and Cast him out!
The Son of God was Manifested that He might Destroy the Works of the Devil in Us

Praise the Lord, the Son of God was manifested for so that He might destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8)! God became a man – He put on humanity, and in Jesus Christ the infinite God became a man; He had the likeness of the flesh of sin but without the sin […]
Christ was made Sin for us so that Sin might be Condemned and we have Eternal Life

Because of the fall of man, we are sinners, we have an indwelling sin, and we simply sin all the time, but Hallelujah, Christ was made sin for us in order that through His death on the cross sin might be condemned. We all need to realise that we are not merely flawed people who […]
Christ as the Seed of David Destroyed all the Negative Things through His Death

In our prayerful consideration and study of the matter of Christ’s resurrection in the aspect of Christ as the seed of David becoming the Son of God by resurrection we need to ask ourselves one question: what does it mean that Christ is the seed of David? Literally, Christ being the seed of David means […]