In His ascension Christ was made the High Priest in the heavens to bear us in the presence of God, to care for all our needs, and to offer the incense at the golden altar for the carrying out of God’s administration; Christ was inaugurated into His priestly office in His ascension. What a Christ […]
In His Ascension Christ is our High Priest to Care for our Needs and Intercede for Us
Being those who Enjoy the All-inclusive Tender Care of our Good Shepherd Lord Jesus

How wonderful it is to see in Ezekiel 34 how our good Shepherd, Christ, is taking an all-inclusive tender care of us as His sheep! First He speaks to the shepherds, who did not take care of the sheep but rather fed themselves and caused the sheep to go astray and be scattered, and then […]
Christ as Our High Priest Cares for Us and Makes Sure we Enjoy All God’s Blessings

In His ascension, the Lord Jesus Christ is our High Priest doing so many things. He is offering the incense at the golden altar (Rev. 8:3), He is bearing us on His shoulders and on His breast before God (Exo. 28:9-29), He cares for God’s need, and He is the Mediator and Executor of a […]
Christ as our High Priest cares for us in love, but He especially cares for God’s need

In the Old Testament, the High Priest had the names of the tribes of Israel inscribed on the two onyx stones on his shoulders and also on the twelve stones set in the golden breastplate he wore (Exo. 28:9-12). Whenever he went into the Holy of Holies, he brought the people of Israel to God, […]