How we love our dear Lord Jesus, the good Shepherd who came not to judge or condemn sinners but to heal them, recover them, enliven them, and save them so that they would be His new and heavenly citizens for the kingdom of God! The Lord Jesus as the God-man was the only One who […]
Christ came not to Judge Sinners but to Save them and Shepherd them for His Body
Christ’s First Coming was Humble but His Second will be Victorious (Zechariah 9-14)

In the last six chapters of Zechariah, we see many prophecies concerning the Lord’s two comings, with specific details that have been and will be fulfilled as historical events. But we need to see that the focal point and the major content of the divine history within the human history are the two comings of […]
cooperating with Christ in His heavenly ministry to shepherd the saints, the flock of God
This week in the Morning Revival we come to Psalm 23 – the Lord Jesus in His heavenly ministry shepherding His flock and our cooperation with Him in His heavenly ministry to shepherd His sheep… In Psalms 22 we see the Lord Jesus in His death and resurrection, in Psalms23 we see the Lord Jesus […]
the entire Divine Trinity treasures the sinner and participates in bringing him back to God!
The chapter in the Bible that best illustrates the Triune God reaching man and bringing man into Himself is Luke 15. Here we see a Shepherd having 100 sheep but one of them got lost – so He leaves the 99 behind to find the one lost sheep (Luke 15:4-7). The Shepherd signifies Christ, the […]